Thursday, November 20, 2008

Tough Old Cars, or Food

I have to get smokin' on this blog...trouble is, I need a topic/subject for it. I'mm considering tough old cars, like GTO's, or Vettes, Mustangs,Road Runners, and those like that.

Meatloaf, Pizza, casseroles, pies, what have you to toss down the chuff hole. Maybe I can give forum to the various methods of preparation.

Any and all suggestions or recommendations will be given consideration.



Hobbs Bodine said...

...Let's not forget Barracudas and Novas. Any Buick. Caddys are always welcome.

Hobbs Bodine said...

El Caminos, Rancheros, T-Birds, Corvairs...

Hobbs Bodine said...

Today I threw in a food related entry. Electric Counter-top hibachi/broiler.

Hobbs Bodine said...

...sandwiches, soups, stews, steaks and salads won't be left out.